Category: News

  • Elroy Bluetooth Earbuds

    Elroy Bluetooth Earbuds

    I came across this rather nifty invention the other day.  Bluetooth earbuds from the creator of Timbuk2 bags.  When I first heard about them, I figured that it was going to be some clunky chunk of plastic that sat on your head, played music and generally stayed out of your way.  Man, was I wrong.…

  • Discover a New Bike Ride with A To B

    Discover a New Bike Ride with A To B

    We all look for new rides, routes and paths.  Changing the scenery up is something that helps a lot of us bikers stay in the saddle.  There are lots of websites out there that help you do this, but perhaps none of them offer the diversity and adventure that A–B (A to B) is trying…

  • Life Beam Smart Cycling Helmet

    Life Beam Smart Cycling Helmet

    Life Beam has a funding project going on IndieGogo right now for a helmet that they have co-developed with Lazer (a Belgian helmet manufacturer).  Life Beam’s first product was a monitoring system for fighter pilots that would show vital signs in flight (kind of important).  The technology worked so great (they won the “Ramon Breakthrough”…

  • Bike Helmet Seeks Justice

    Bike Helmet Seeks Justice

    And in other safety related news, Chaotic Moon has developed a helmet that has the capability of recording video of your surroundings after you get hit.  Sure, it’s not the same as avoiding being hit, but in the event that you do get hit, this is something that could come in handy.  There are a…

  • Volvo Reveals Cyclist Detection System

    Volvo Reveals Cyclist Detection System

    Volvo Car Group introduced the worlds first cyclist detection system at the Geneva Motor Show on Tuesday.  Add this to the list of Volvo ‘world firsts’.  The technology combines the use of radar and a camera mounted in the rear view mirror to sense and detect when a cyclist enters the path of the car.…

  • Giro’s New Road Clothing Line

    Giro’s New Road Clothing Line

      Giro has just released their new cycling clothing line targeted at urban riders and road cyclists.  The New Road collection brings a range of higher end apparel products to Giro’s product line.  Polos to jerseys, undershorts to waterproof jackets.  The coolest thing about this new product line is that everything is made locally (for…

  • Washington State’s New Transportation Tax Plan

    Washington State’s New Transportation Tax Plan

    The Seattle Times reported last week about Washington State’s proposed transportation plan.  In the proposal are the typical gas tax hikes and increased car tab fees (more details here).  The increased taxes and fees would hopefully raise $10 billion dollars over 5 years to use towards highway improvements (many of which I think are needed).…

  • BART To Allow More Bicycles

    BART To Allow More Bicycles

    The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is going to be allowing more bicycles on it’s system in a test run.  During March 18-22, bikes will be allowed in BART stations and aboard all trains – where there’s room – all day and night.  In the past, bikes have not been…

  • Oprah Chooses Giro Reverb for 2012

    Oprah Chooses Giro Reverb for 2012

    I’m sure that you’ve all heard about this by now, being keen followers of Oprah.  The Mighty O has placed the Giro Reverb onto her list of favorite things for 2012.  You all know the favorite things list.  It includes such important items as the Scrabble App for the iPad and the Classic Sparkle Ugg Boots.…

  • Video Maps of Bike Lanes Around the World

    Video Maps of Bike Lanes Around the World

    One way of finding out what a ride looks like before you take the ride is to just get on a bike and do the ride.  That’s so 2010.  These days if you want to see what the front of a business looks like before you go there, you get on Google’s Street View and…