Bike lights are an essential part of biking. The topic of lighting is discussed quite a bit on this site. Everyone that bikes near a time when the sun is going up/down needs to be seen better or see better. There are lots of ways of accomplishing this, but the more common lights are easily stolen from your bike. If you ride in the city, this is surely a problem for you.
Enter Gotham Bicycle Defense Industries and their Defender Bike Light. The company was started by Slava Menn and Brad Geswein after Slava became frustrated with the number of times his bike light was stolen from his bike. They both have backgrounds in engineering and set out to design a light that was more theft resistant than current offerings. The Defender Bike Light attaches to your handlebars and features a security bolt (what I’m assuming is a security Torx bolt based on this image). True this is much more difficult for a person to remove compared to the light that I currently use. But in reality, nothing is completely theft proof and people that want to steal bike lights will find a way.
The upside to the Defender Bike Light is that it is one of the hardest to steal lights and the only better option is to weld a light to your bike so that a thief would need to either steal your whole bike (not the best option) or bring an angle grinder to remove the light.
You can check out the development of the light in the video below.
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